Friday, February 18, 2011

I guess I should introduce myself, huh?

My name is Alexis, but I have always gone by many names: Lex, Lexi, Allie, Alliecat, Lexington, Lex Luthor....and the list goes on.  But, my personal favorite has always been Alliecat, probably b/c I am such a cat person.  I have an infant daughter named Acacia and two cats named Munchkin and Monkey, or rather, Mr. Monkey Momerath.

(Monkey and Acacia)

I decided I'd start this blog in order to tell the silly stories of my day to day life, vent out my random frustrations with said "day to day life," talk about my incredibly strange dreams, and whatever else comes to my mind. 

For instance, lately there has been something I have been obsessively thinking about.  Whenever I flip through the channels on television, I am confronted with a barrage of images of superfluous and selfish spending by affluent people in this country.  Now, I have nothing against anyone with money, but I do have something against people who have and it and only use it for their own selfish indulgences, and then complain about the government taxing them and taking money away from them in order to flush it back into our country's social programs.  Hey, maybe some of you might think I sound like a damn socialist, but I don't care.  There are so many homeless women and children on the street, and homeless animals on the street too, and I don't care how they got there, they need help.  Why does someone need a $250,000.00 car?  To show how big their penis is?  To show how fake their boobs are now?   It just drives me crazy.  Why does their karma award them with money to selfishly squander?  Maybe this is all coming from my non materialistic standpoint.

Even if I were a billionaire, I'd still shop at thrift stores.  You'd never see me wasting money on a $5000.00 dress.  All of that is pointless to me.  I'd still drive a sensible car and live in a normal-sized house.  Most of my money would go to helping those in need, not wasted on my own selfish devices.  

And yes, there was an example of one of my random vents.  Thanks for reading :P

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